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HAVE YOUR SAY is regularly updated with our favourite organisations and campaigns that are helping to improve Sydney and beyond


We look for organisations that are dedicated to democratic, inclusive and progressive causes that align with the YIMBY values


Do you have an organisation or campaign that should be on here? Get in touch at

Walk Sydney

Walk Sydney is a community group supporting walkability and pedestrian access in Greater Sydney, advocating for active transport and pedestrian focused traffic management and planning. Their objectives include:


  • An urban environment designed to encourage and support active transport including access to parks, playing fields and other recreational and cultural facilities

  • Street designs that provide for the needs of people who walk, cycle and use public transport

  • Safer, slower streets, where the speed of motor vehicles is drastically reduced by legal, environmental, and physical measures to reduce the likelihood and consequences of collision​

Photo Courtesy of City of Sydney / Chris Southwood


Regen Sydney is a network of organisations & individuals exploring a regenerative future for Sydney: connecting across silos and sectors to reimagine a new economic narrative for our city, together. Regen Sydney is exploring a Doughnut Economics City Portrait for Sydney.


Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economic framework is being used by cities and regions across the globe as a compass for human progress this century. Regen Sydney is using the Doughnut model to engage institutions, organisations and individuals to explore the economic narrative in a post-COVID Sydney.

Regen Sydney

Australian Parents for Climate Action (AP4CA)

This national network of motivated, passionate parents and friends are energising people and calling on pollies to turn school rooftops into renewable power plants: schools across the country present a huge opportunity for installing solar panels, which can not only power their campuses but also create excess energy that might be invested back into the grid.


In 2020 I worked with the Australian Parents for Climate Action (AP4CA) network on their Solar Our Schools campaign, to identify the barriers faced by schools in implementing renewables. I facilitated a meeting between the AP4CA and the Minister for Education to work through the obstacles that schools face in getting support for renewable energy initiatives, which have the potential to significantly reduce their energy costs and their carbon footprints.

Comms Declare

A non-partisan volunteer group, Comms Declare works closely with businesses and organisations to advocate for a climate-friendly future. Comms Declare primarily works with communication, marketing, media, creative and advertising professionals to ensure the messages we see everyday aren't supporting businesses that damage our environment.


In 2022, following an open letter from more than 200 health professionals and organisations, I worked closely with Comms Declare to move a Notice of Motion to ban fossil fuel advertising from City of Sydney owned advertising pylons and buildings.  For too long we’ve been sold a story by the fossil fuel industry in Australia: one that overstates their contribution to employment and tax revenue, and one that underplays their cost to our health and our future. The Notice of Motion, which was unanimously supported, asked Council to investigate ways to restrict fossil fuel advertising and Council should not accept sponsorships from companies whose main business is the extraction or sale of coal, oil and gas.


Asylum Seeker Centre Newtown

Founded in 1993, the Asylum Seekers Centre is a not-for-profit which has been providing support for those living in our community who are seeking asylum through health, recreational, employment, family and school, digital connectivity and housing programs.


In May 2022, I tabled a Notice of Motion asking Council to provide access to free early childhood care and education for families seeking asylum. It was unanimously supported, as of 1 July 2022, the City began providing free childcare services to families seeking asylum. Prior to this Notice of Motion, families seeking asylum could pay between $150-200 per day (as at June 2022) and were not eligible for the same childcare subsidies vulnerable families in Australia were able to access. Since July 2022 and with the help of Asylum Seeker Centre, City of Sydney has supported families seeking asylum at childcare centres in Alexandria, Redfern, Ultimo and Pyrmont.

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